Saturday, November 18, 2006

Have You Ever Wondered About Laser Hair Removal?

Some are calling it the follicle fighter of the future. It's the latest in hair removal lasers. Hair removal patient, Alcides Davila, says, "I used to have a lot of ingrown hair, and that made me feel a little uncomfortable." Davila also had a bit on his back. Marisela Munoz had some on her upper lip, and she didn't like her options. Munoz says, "Having to be constantly waxing is very uncomfortable and can be painful."
Laser treatments could remove the hair, but it also could discolor certain types of skin. That's when they heard about the Cool Glide laser, a high-tech solution that works on any skin type, anywhere on the body. Eva Taub runs a hair removal clinic near Miami, Florida. Taub says, "All lasers can treat white skin. No problem.
Cool Glide is the only laser hair removal system that can treat dark Hispanic, Mediterranean, Black skin without discoloring the pigment, without destroying the pigment." It's called the Cool Glide because of its refrigerated tip. It enables the laser to effectively treat the follicle without generating the heat of traditional lasers. It typically takes 12 treatments to remove the hair entirely, and the whole procedure costs a few thousand dollars, but it is permanent.
More Information On Laser Hair Removal