Sunday, November 05, 2006

Creative Writing Course

Creative Writing Course
If you want to be a writer, there are many different types of writing you can get into. Sometimes when you start, you end up doing something completely different than you ever imagined. Things just work out that way sometimes. No matter what type of writing you do, having a background in creative writing is always a good thing. If nothing else, this type of writing helps keep your mind open and your thoughts flowing. If you want to learn some basic fundamentals, you might want to take a basic creative writing course.
The most common place people take a creative writing course is in high school. Many schools have these classes, and they are generally a part of your English curriculum. After graduation though, you can find a creative writing course at almost any college you can name. If you aren’t interested in a degree, but still want to take a creative writing course, you should contact your local community college to see what they have to offer. Some creative writing courses are very short, while other are longer, and cover more ground. What you want to take is up to you.
If going back to the college life, even if it’s only one night a week, is not for you, then you can find a creative writing course you can take at home. These are often a good choice because you can work at your own pace, and fit your lessons in when you have the time. For those with a family and a full time job, this might be the best bet. What you pay for these courses will depend on where you go. Look around for a price you can live with, and then have a go.
When dealing with finding a creative writing course online, you do have to be careful. There are some scam artists out there who prey on would-be writers. They may offer you a creative writing course and a promise of publication. No one can guarantee this unless they just happen to own a publishing company. Most do not. If someone is offering you more than direction and instruction, you might want to think twice about signing up. A good creative writing course can teach you some of the basic rules of style, how to put your work together, and some tips for better writing, but they cannot guarantee you will make money once you are finished.