Thursday, October 26, 2006

Contraceptive Pills

Not more than a few decades ago the birth control pill was viewed as a sign that a young, unmarried woman was being promiscuous. Over the years that idea has changed and contraceptive pills are now an important part of many women’s health regime.
Preventing pregnancy is an important concern for almost every young woman. Not wanting to forego the pleasure of becoming close with someone, young women are recognizing that contraceptive pills are one of the most effective ways to control when they have a baby.
One of the major concerns with taking birth control pills in the past has been the potential side-effects. It has become a common misconception that a woman should expect to gain upwards of ten pounds after she starts taking contraceptive pills. This was indeed a real and warranted concern several years ago but it isn’t anymore.
In recent years new medications have been introduced that have a lower dose of the hormones needed to control ovulation. This means that a woman will have a much lower chance of developing side-effects including the dreaded and unwanted weight gain.
The method for administering these pills hasn’t changed much over time. In most cases the contraceptive pills are taken for a period of twenty-one days. During the next seven days, the pills aren’t taken and the woman can expect to have her period. The entire cycle beings again and as long as a woman doesn’t forget her daily pill, she can expect a high protection rate against pregnancy.
Along with the assurance that you’re protected against getting pregnant, the pills have some additional benefits. In some cases, contraceptive pills can help with very painful cramps. Some young women are prescribed the pills as a treatment for their monthly cramps. This has proven to be a successful method of helping relieve some, if not all, of the pain.
Regardless of why the woman is taking the pills, it’s really important to remember that they offer no protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore using another method of protection in addition to the contraceptive pills is the best idea.
A yearly examination is needed when taking the pills to ensure that the woman is healthy. Older women should discuss the additional health risks associated with taking contraceptive pills over the age of thirty-five. I don’t need to go on and on about the dangers of smoking, but for women taking the pill, there is added risk for smokers.
If you are a woman of child bearing years who wants an effective way to ensure that you don’t become a mom before you are ready, think about contraceptive pills and how you can incorporate them into your life. After all, having a baby is a big decision and although it can be a welcome surprise, choosing when it happens is often the better way to go.